Publications, exhibitions and tearsheets
My work is a combination of personal projects and assignments. I understand photography as a tool to tell specific stories about specific places and people. It is a way to visually explore and explain the world that surrounds us.

This book is a tribute to indigenous and rural Andean communities of South Peru.

This photo exhibition is about the struggle of the Ik from north Uganda, to maintain their indigenous culture and livelihoods while coping with the rapidly-changing environment around them.

This is a special edition of FotoargentA, with selected documentary photographers in Argentina.

This is a book about the struggle of the Baka Pygmies from the Central Africa rainforest to maintain their indigenous culture and livelihoods while coping with the rapidly-changing environment around them

One of the 24 for winners of the International Photocontest 'THE BICYCLE AND MANKIND', with the picture of a young Bantus boy from Somalomo (Cameroon), Cultural Association Aeneis (Italy), exhibited in different European countries during 2018.

This is a book containing an ethno-photographic essay developed in Uganda, that documents IK livelihood and survival strategies in the mountains, border with Kenya and Sudan (2017).

In 2015 the essay 'Pertenecer a la Selva. Los Pigmeos Baka del Africa Central', was exhibited in the Art Museum of San Juan Province (MPBAFR) and many articles were written on this photo-ethnography work.

This is a book containing an ethno-photographic essay developed in Gorka, Nepal, that documents Gurung livelihood and survival strategies after Nepal earthquake of 2015.

This is a book containing two photographic essays commissioned by the Bantuan Coffee Foundation to raise funds to help the victims of child prostitution in Indonesia. The book contains stories, pictures and arts from authors around the world. I contributed with “Rural Women” and “Salt”, developed in the Andes (Argentina and Bolivia).

The exhibition of ‘Belonging to the Forest’ attracted the attention of media. I was interviewed by CIMA Magazine, an Argentinean social and cultural publication. The article covered my documentary and ethnographic photography work in Africa and Perú.

Essay "Africa, a meeting of glances", published in special edition of Bex Magazine #37 SAN JUAN (pages # 160-177).

This book was illustrated with some of my pictures in different Latin American Countries.

FotoargentA selected this essay for its anniversary publication. This work was developed in 35mm colour film, in Argentinean Andes, at the border with Bolivia. FotoargentA. Año 1, Nº12, October 2017).

The exhibition of ‘Belonging to the Forest’ attracted the attention of media. I was interviewed by Oh Magazine, a local publication of cultural and art events. The article covered my documentary and ethnographic photography work in Africa.

I was commissioned to provide pictures from the IJE tribe to be published in the book ‘The World Atlas of Tattoo’, by Anna Felicity Friedman, Yale University Press. This is based on an essay I did in IJE small tribal community located in South-Eastern Benin, where women has the tradition of self-fashioning by painting and tattooing their bodies.

This is a book supported by the Gender, Economy, Politics and Development Observatory to highlight the global situation on Gender equality and development. I was commissioned to provide pictures to illustrate research findings documented in the book.

The exhibition of ‘Belonging to the Forest’ attracted the attention of media. The writer and art critic, Prof. Eduardo Peñafort, published an article on this ethnographic essay in a regional cultural and art magazine.

This essay was published as a porfolio at Multimagen: the site of photography

I was interviewed by Guía section of Diario de Cuyo, a local publication of cultural and art events. The article covered my documentary and ethnographic photography work in different countries.

Commissioned by “Centro Bartolomé de Las Casas” to document ethnic groups and landscape from Cuzco, Perú, to illustrate the CBCtupay webpage, a local company to promote responsible tourism in the Andes.

FotoArgenta published an article based on the essay ‘Belonging to the forest: the Baka Pygmies from the Central African Rainforest’. FotoargentA, Año 1, Nº8, Junio 2017.

I was interviewed by Tiempo de San Juan, a local Newspaper. The article covered my documentary and ethnographic photography work in different countries.

Raíces Huarpes is a book on indigenous medicine traditionally developed by Huarpes ethnic groups, settled in the arid desert in the Cuyo Region, western Argentina. Edited M.C Montani & C.V. Riveros, I was commissioned to document Huarpes communities and their livelihood. About twenty selected pictures tell the story on how they value and use their plants as medicine and how they cope with the scarce natural resources of dry desert.

I was interviewed by San Juan Cultural, a local publication of cultural and art events. The article covered my documentary and ethnographic photography work in four West African countries.

I was interviewed by Tiempo de San Juan, a local Newspaper. The article presents five of my photographic essays in Latin America, Asia and Africa.

The essay 'Highland People', based on an ethnographic photography approach, get public recognition in the media.

I was interviewed by El País Diario, a local newspaper. The article covered my documentary and ethno-photography work in north Uganda.

I contributed to this Journal with a set of pictures taken in different Latin American and African countries, to illustrate the topics addressed by articles on Agrarian Change.

Part of the essay 'The Highland People' was exhibited during the International Festival of Photography (Festival de la Luz) under the topic ‘Horizontes’ (Argentina, 2104). More info in

Ecology and Society is a publication that documents the assessment and use of ecosystems in western Córdoba, Argentina. I was commissioned by Nucleo Diversus project to document throughout pictures the main findings and conclusions of their research work. In this publication, text and pictures work together to emphasize how different stakeholders have distinct perception, assessment and use of natural resources. More info in
© 2014 by ESTEBAN TAPELLA Photography